Virtual Reality Social Skills Training

Engage in immersive virtual reality, real-time social coaching centered around strategic approaches. With a simple click on your own computer, enter a virtual realm where dynamic role-playing takes place, all within the secure confines of our avatar-based platform. This personalized social skill training program helps you navigate through tricky interactions you experience in real life..

Who Can Benefit?

Scientifically proven effective for individuals with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Social Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder
  • Learning Differences
  • Those who are gifted and talented, high-achieving, twice exceptional (2E) and/or seeking individualized social-emotional coaching

How Does It Work?

  • There’s nothing to download. All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
  • Coaching sessions spanning 10 hours are scheduled over 5 or 10 weeks.

Improve Your Ability To

  • Initiate conversations
  • Maintain relationships
  • Develop emotional intelligence
  • Social Problem Solve
  • Self-Advocate
  • Manage interpersonal dynamics
  • Integrate social skills into daily life


Middle and High School

Navigating the social complexities of middle school and high school can be difficult. This virtual social skills training enables pre-teens and teens to engage in an immersive, safe place to make mistakes and build on strengths.

This program is ideal for youth who are socially motivated, yet have trouble navigating conversations, showing empathy, making and keeping friends, responding to peer pressure or bullying, managing emotions, or reaching unique social goals.

Transition to Adulthood

Our brains naturally crave connections, yet during significant life changes like embarking in post-secondary endeavors, engaging in job interviews, and forging deeper relationships; social interactions can sometimes feel daunting.

This program is ideal for neurodiverse young adults struggling with social anxiety, interpersonal communication at school or work, self-advocacy, social problem solving, building independence and expanding social networks.